Untuk Download Counter-Strike 1.6 diDownloads
Counter-Strike (disingkat CS) adalah permainan video tembak-menembak orang-pertama yang merupakan modifikasi dari permainan video Half-Life oleh Minh "Gooseman" Le dan Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe. Permainan ini telah berkembang menjadi serangkaian permainan baru sejak diluncurkan, antara lain Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, dan Counter-Strike pada Xbox.
Counter-Strike menampilkan tim counter-terrorist (CT) yang melawan tim teroris dalam serangkaian ronde.
Selain dengan cara-cara di bawah, kemenangan bisa diraih dengan membunuh semua anggota tim lawannya.- Penjinakkan bom (Bomb defusal)
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
, contoh:de_inferno
, dll. - Dalam skenario ini, tim teroris bertugas untuk menanam bom pada tempat yang sudah disediakan, yang disebut bombsite (A dan B). Sebaliknya, tim counter-terrorist harus menjinakkan bom jika sudah ditanam, atau mencegah teroris menanam bomnya. Meskipun seluruh teroris dibunuh, jika bom tidak dijinakkan sampai waktunya maka terorislah yang menang.
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
- Penyelamatan sandera (Hostage rescue)
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
, contoh:cs_assault
, dll. - Di tempat ini, counter-terrorist harus menyelamatkan ke-4 sandera (hostage) yang berada di markas teroris (T Spawn)
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
- Pembunuhan rahasia (Assasination)
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
, contoh:as_tundra
, dll. - Dalam skenario assasination, salah seorang anggota counter-terrorist menjadi VIP di timnya. Anggota tersebut tidak boleh mati hingga mencapai tempat yang aman (biasanya helikopter atau tank).
- Skenario ini tidak banyak ada di permainan Counter-Strike.
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
- Lapangan tembak (Fight Yard)
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
, contoh:fy_rush
, dll. - Dalam skenario ini kedua tim hanya melakukan baku tembak.
- Berlaku untuk tempat yang berawalan
[sunting] Senjata
Senjata yang dapat digunakan antara lain:- 1. Pistol
- 2. Shotgun
- 3. Submachine gun (Pistol mitraliur)
- 4. Senapan serbu
- 5. Senapan runduk
- 6. Senapan mesin
- 7. Perlengkapan
- 8. Rompi anti peluru
- 9. Pisau
- 10. Granat
- 11. Perlengkapan penjinak bom (defusal kit) (CT)
- 12. Bom C4 (T)
- 13. Cara menjadi VIP
- 14. Deagle
Kode Curang (Cheat)
- Wallhacks, kode curang (cheat) ini memungkinkan CT atau Teroris dalam permainan dapat melihat objek dibalik tembok.
- Speedhacks, kode curang (cheat) ini memungkinkan CT atau Teroris dalam permainan mempunyai kecepatan yang meningkat
- No recoil, kode curang (cheat) ini memungkinkan CT atau Teroris dalam permainan menembakan senjata tanpa adanya efek recoil
- Aimbots, kode curang (cheat) ini memungkinkan CT atau Teroris dalam permainan dapat langsung membidik lawan secara otomatis
- ESP, kode ini memungkinkan CT atau Teroris dalam permainan dapat melihat health, nama dan jarak dari musuh melalui pesan teks yang muncul.
- Barrel hack, menampilkan arah pandang dari musuh
- Anti-flash and anti-smoke, menghilangkan efek dari flashbang dan granat asap.
- Grenade Dodger, memungkinkan pemain dapat mendekati atau menjauhi posisi granat (tergantung pengaturan)
- bot_kill untuk membunuh semua bot
- Fanatic, Aimbot, speed, lasers, WALLS, esp, dan cheat terbaru adalah : Team kill bot.
2. Counter-Strike Condition Zero
Untuk Download Condition Zero di Downloads
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (CS:CZ or CZ) is a multiplayer video game and the follow-up to Counter-Strike. The game was released in 2004 using the GoldSrc Half-Life engine. CS:CZ features a multiplayer mode, which features updated character models, textures, maps and other graphical tweaks. Unlike other Counter-Strike games, Condition Zero also contains a single-player mission pack with the player unlocking maps and more efficient bots as they pass certain requirements for each map while playing as a counter terrorist. These requirements include targets such as "kill 3 enemies with a glock" or "win a round in 45 seconds". Condition Zero also introduces the Counter-Strike bot.
As of 2008, the game is one of the ten most played Half-Life modifications in terms of players, according to GameSpy.[1]
Condition Zero started development in 2000 by Rogue Entertainment, initially announced in May 2001 at E3 of that year. Rogue's producer for the game, Jim Molinet, later that year moved to Sony and the development company went defunct, leaving Valve with the development. Later, they gave it to Gearbox Software, the developers of the Half-Life expansion packs, so that Valve could focus on the development rival Team Fortress 2 and its new engine.Gearbox created an overhaul of Counter-Strike with high quality models and better graphics, similar to Blue Shift compared to Half-Life. They also added alpha blending, allowing for realistic foliage and weather effects. They added a single-player mode to the game, similar to the final game, based on inspiration of Randy Pitchford from console games such as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec. They also placed explosive weapons such as a Molotov cocktail, tear gas bomb, and M72 LAW rocket. They also used the release of Steam to their advantage to help prevent cheating by ensuring constant code updates.
After a few developmental delays, it missed its late 2002 deadline and was given over to Ritual Entertainment, who completely remade the game into a single-player one with 20 unconnected missions. They enhanced the AI of the original Half-Life to create the initial bot AI. It was expected to have a release in early 2003 with a secondary multiplayer mode, and developed alongside the Xbox version of Counter-Strike.
However, after declaring the game gold and handing out review copies of Ritual's work, Valve saw an average review score of around 60%. The companies retracted the gold status and work on Condition Zero was essentially begun again. Ritual's share of development was dropped, and development was given over to the relatively young Turtle Rock Studios, who easily restarted where Gearbox left off. They developed an updated bot AI that was beta tested in Counter-Strike 1.6 before release and was later integrated into Counter-Strike: Source and became part of the "AI Director" in Left 4 Dead. The final game contained a version mirroring Gearbox's version, along with 12 missions recovered from Ritual's single-player portion, called Deleted Scenes.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
[edit] Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes
Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes is what is left over from Ritual Entertainment's dropped share of development, a series of eighteen unconnected single-player missions.Deleted Scenes was originally the focus on the game with standard multiplayer included. However, after declaring the game gold and handing out review copies of Ritual's work, Valve saw an average review score of around 60%. The companies retracted the gold status and work on Condition Zero was essentially begun again. Ritual's share of development was dropped, and Turtle Rock Studios eventually made its own version. The final game contained Ritual's single-player portion, called Deleted Scenes, along with Turtle Rock's version.
Several weapons from the "lost contents" have made an appearance in Deleted Scenes, including the M72 Light Anti-Armor Weapon, and the M60 machine gun. Some are limited to the AI terrorists, such as the machete and Rogue Entertainment's controversial suicide belt. Some reconnaissance weapons including the blow torch, radio, fiber-optic camera and remote control bombs. Players can also carry up to three grenades instead of the usual one. Moreover, the power of players' Kevlar Armor is boosted, better protecting players from many projectiles and bullets.
Some weapons were completely reanimated. This includes the Colt M4A1, FAMAS and Galil with the exception of the SIG SG 552 which uses its "beta animations". Weapon textures are also slightly modified. The weapons are colored a bit differently from their Counter-Strike counterparts, such as the Arctic Warfare Magnum which is now brown instead of green, the Steyr AUG and the Colt M4 carbine are now two-tone police black instead of the usual colors. It initially came with twelve missions, but later Steam updates added six additional missions that were cut from the initial release. There is a small community for Deleted Scenes, and a few custom maps have been released.
At the ending credits, a Delta Force soldier rides a Scud missile, clearly alluding to Dr. Strangelove.[citation needed]
3. Counter-Strike Source
Untuk Download Counter-Strike Source di Downnloads
Counter-Strike: Source (abbreviated CS:S Or CSS) is an FPS video game developed by the Valve Corporation. It is a complete remake of Counter-Strike using the Source game engine. As in the original, Counter-Strike: Source pits a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds. Each round is won either by completing an objective (such as detonating a bomb or rescuing hostages) or by eliminating all members of the opposing team.
Counter-Strike: Source was initially released as a beta to members of the Valve Cyber Café Program on August 11, 2004.[3][4] On August 18, 2004, the beta was released to owners of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and those who had received a Half-Life 2 voucher bundled with some ATI Radeon video cards.[5]On October 11, 2006, Valve released an experimental update, Dynamic Weapons Pricing. Under this system, item prices are determined based on their demand the previous week.[6][7][8] Other updates, such as an enhanced radar system, have been generally accepted as a positive enhancement.
On March 5, 2010, Valve Corporation announced the release of its entire first-party library, including Counter-Strike, on the Mac OS X platform, for release in April 2010.[9]
On May 7, 2010, Valve released an update that includes new features and functionality developed in collaboration with Hidden Path Entertainment. These include 144 (now 145) new achievements, a new domination and revenge system, similar to that of Team Fortress 2, player stats, the Orange Box engine and more. It was in a limited public beta stage.[10]
On June 23, 2010, Valve released the beta to the public, also making the game available for Mac.[1]
[edit] Gameplay
Counter-Strike: Source is a remake of Counter-Strike, and consequently retains its team-based objective-oriented first-person shooter style gameplay. The aim of playing a map is to accomplish a map's objective. There are many types of objectives that a map can have, but the ultimate goal of the game is to win more rounds than the opposing team, which is accomplished by fulfilling the map's winning conditions. Some winning conditions include defusing a bomb, planting a bomb and preventing it from being defused by the other team, rescuing all the hostages on a map, preventing the hostages from being rescued, and defeat all the members of the opposing team. When playing on a server without modifications, if players are defeated during a round, they do not respawn until the next round, unlike in many other first-person shooter games, where players respawn on a set timer.Moving and shooting also differs noticeably from many other first-person shooters. Shooting while moving dramatically decreases accuracy, and holding the mouse button down to continuously shoot will generally produce severe recoil. Recoil can be difficult for beginning players to compensate for because the player's reticle does not correspond with where the bullets actually hit during continuous fire, so beginning players may aim too high during automatic fire. The amount of damage done by a bullet varies dramatically depending upon the body part the bullet hits, with great emphasis on shooting the enemy in the head, which is almost invariably lethal.
Aspects of the game that have changed from Counter-Strike include the behavior of the grenades, the physics engine, and the weapons' recoil. The smoke grenades in Counter-Strike: Source spread much more slowly than the ones in Counter-Strike, and the flashbangs, which now utilize DirectX 9 effects, have a much more pronounced effect, and bounce very differently from the ones in Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike: Source also implements physics objects, such as filing cabinets, which the user can interact with while playing. The recoil in Counter-Strike: Source differs from the recoil in Counter-Strike in that while Counter-Strike had perfectly consistent recoil, the recoil in Counter-Strike: Source is much less precise. Furthermore, the addition of ragdoll physics marks another difference between Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Source. Additionally one hundred forty-four achievements have been added to Counter Strike:Source.
[edit] Customizations
Because of the large fan-base that Counter-Strike: Source has accumulated, there are a wide variety of different customizations and add-ons that can be used with the game. There is a large fanbase for the game that creates customized sounds, textures, weapon skins, and player skins, though many servers disable the use of custom textures/skins because of cheating concerns.[edit] Modifications
Like many other modern games, Counter-Strike: Source has been heavily modded by its community. Server-side gameplay customizations are typically implemented using Valve's Source SDK. Server-side mods like SourceMod, and EventScripts build on the basic RCON commands as well as gameplay customizations.[edit] Skins/Models
The ability to add new models and skins using the Source SDK to Counter-Strike: Source allows for a large amount of customization. Skins refers to the actual images applied to parts of the game. The player models, weapon models, and maps themselves can be "reskinned" (or "retextured") by anybody. Models refers to the actual 3D-elements displayed on screen. Available is a server side variable to ensure only certain models and materials are used, intending to stop material-based wallhacks. Not all servers use this limitation as it is optional.Models can be changed either by the player adding files to their cstrike folder, or by the server they are playing on using a server-side plugin. The difference is that if a player changes a model on his or her own machine, only that player will see the changes, but if the model is altered by a server-side plugin or tool, then the model that the player is wearing is seen by everyone on that server at that time. Also, the server can choose to force a "skin-consistency", meaning that any custom skins that any players may have will appear as the default model.
4. Counter-Strike Online
Counter Strike Online memiliki beberapa mode permainan lama dari-Counter sebelumnya Pemogokan dan yang baru: Normal, Death Match, Team Death Match, Zombie Mode 2, Zombie Serikat Mode, Zombie 3 Mode, Challenge Mode, Zombie Survival Mode dan Mode VIP. The game also features a variety of additions over the International Counter-Strike, such as an introduction to female characters, numerous new weapons and skins for previous weapons. Permainan juga menawarkan berbagai penambahan selama Counter Strike Internasional, seperti pengenalan karakter perempuan, senjata baru banyak dan kulit untuk senjata sebelumnya. Most of the weapons are "locked" by default, so GASH virtual cash or in-game points are essential to purchase them. Sebagian besar senjata yang "dikunci" secara default, uang virtual sehingga luka atau dalam game poin sangat penting untuk membelinya. Most special weapons, skins, power-ups, etc. can be purchased with GASH points. Sebagian besar senjata khusus, kulit, power-up, dll dapat dibeli dengan poin luka. A variety of other special items can also be bought with in-game points as well. Berbagai barang khusus lainnya juga bisa dibeli dengan poin dalam game juga.The new gameplay modes: Zombie Mode 1, 2 and 3 are played between two teams, zombies and humans. Mode gameplay baru: Zombie Mode 1, 2 dan 3 yang dimainkan antara dua, zombie tim dan manusia. In Zombie Mode 2, everyone starts out as a human and gets 20 seconds to buy, hide and/or fortify their position, then a certain random player becomes a zombie, depending on the number of players present. Dalam Zombie Mode 2, semua orang mulai keluar sebagai manusia dan mendapatkan 20 detik untuk membeli, menyembunyikan dan / atau memperkuat posisi mereka, maka pemain acak tertentu menjadi zombie, tergantung pada jumlah pemain ini. When a zombie attacks a human, they become a zombie, and this keeps going until the time runs out, in which case the humans win or if all the humans become zombies. Ketika zombie menyerang manusia, mereka menjadi zombie, dan ini terus berjalan sampai waktu habis, dalam hal ini manusia menang atau jika semua manusia menjadi zombie. There are a variety or different kinds of zombies, which are the Normal Zombie, Girl Zombie, Heavy Zombie, Psycho Zombie, Voodoo Zombie. Ada beragam atau berbagai jenis zombie, yang merupakan Zombie Normal, Zombie Girl, Berat Zombie, Psycho Zombie, Voodoo Zombie. These zombies are only available in Zombie Mode 2 and 3. Zombie ini hanya tersedia di Zombie Mode 2 dan 3. In Zombie Mode 1 there is only one kind of zombie. Dalam Zombie Mode 1 hanya ada satu jenis zombie. The type of zombie that this is varies on where the Counter Strike Online version that you are using is released. Jenis zombie bahwa ini adalah bervariasi di mana Counter Strike Online versi yang Anda gunakan dilepaskan. for example, the Singapore version has the normal zombie while China has the Psycho Zombie. misalnya, versi Singapura memiliki zombie normal sementara Cina memiliki Psycho Zombie. Each of these has their own abilities. Masing-masing memiliki kemampuan mereka sendiri. For Zombie Mode 3, it basically holds the same gameplay as its precede, except that a firepower bar for both zombie and human teams are added. Untuk Zombie Mode 3, pada dasarnya memiliki gameplay yang sama seperti yang mendahului, kecuali bahwa sebuah bar senjata untuk kedua zombie dan tim manusia ditambahkan. After 20 seconds, a random person on the human team will be chosen as a "Hero". Setelah 20 detik, seseorang acak di tim manusia akan dipilih sebagai "Hero". The "Hero" will have the strongest unique weaponry(not purchasable) in the entire game. The "Hero" akan memiliki persenjataan terkuat yang unik (tidak dibeli) di seluruh permainan. Each kill from his or any other weapon levels up the firepower strength by one level(there are ten levels total). Setiap membunuh dari nya atau tingkat senjata lainnya sampai kekuatan senjata oleh satu tingkat (ada sepuluh tingkat total). Each level increases damage done by humans 10%. Setiap meningkatkan tingkat kerusakan yang dilakukan oleh manusia 10%. In all the Zombie modes, random players are selected to be the first zombies or "Host" zombies. Dalam semua mode Zombie, pemain acak dipilih untuk menjadi zombie pertama atau "Host" zombie. These zombies have higher health and different models than zombies infected after the Hosts. Zombie ini memiliki kesehatan yang lebih tinggi dan model yang berbeda dari zombie terinfeksi setelah Host.
The second new gameplay mode is Zombie Scenario Mod, which pits up to 10 players against increasingly harder waves of AI controlled zombies. Mode gameplay kedua baru Skenario Zombie Mod, yang lubang sampai dengan 10 pemain melawan gelombang semakin sulit dikendalikan AI zombie. You are able to buy extra health and damage if you have enough money. Anda dapat membeli kesehatan ekstra dan kerusakan jika Anda punya cukup uang. The levels keep getting harder with zombies having more health and abilities. Tingkat terus mendapatkan lebih keras dengan zombie memiliki kesehatan yang lebih dan kemampuan. A new zombie is revealed in this mode and called Zombie Boss. Sebuah zombie baru terungkap dalam mode ini dan disebut Zombie Boss. He is over twice the size of the normal Heavy Zombie, and holds a weapon that deals more damage than a normal zombie attack. Dia adalah lebih dari dua kali ukuran Zombie Berat normal, dan memegang senjata yang damage lebih dari serangan zombie normal. This mode was released December 9, 2009. Mode ini dirilis 9 Desember 2009. Nexon Released a new map called "Last Clue" on January 27th. Nexon Dirilis peta baru yang disebut "Clue Terakhir" pada 27 Januari. There are only 2 rounds for this map. Hanya ada 2 babak untuk peta ini. The first round requires all players to break through obstacles while battling attacking zombies at the same time. Babak pertama mengharuskan semua pemain untuk menerobos rintangan sementara berjuang melawan zombie menyerang pada waktu yang sama. Unlike the other Zombie Scenario maps, players can spawn at the nearest checkpoint if they die. Berbeda dengan peta Skenario Zombie lainnya, pemain dapat bertelur di pos pemeriksaan terdekat jika mereka mati. Once all the obstacles have been broken, a second round starts. Setelah semua hambatan telah rusak, mulai putaran kedua. This round presents a difficult Alien Boss with many different attacks. putaran ini menyajikan Alien Boss sulit dengan serangan yang berbeda. After a set amount of time, normal zombies start appearing, creating an even harder challenge. Setelah waktu yang telah ditentukan, zombie normal mulai muncul, menciptakan tantangan lebih keras lagi.
The Challenge Mode is a race between players, in two different kinds of maps. Mode Challenge adalah perlombaan antara pemain, dalam dua macam peta. Players cannot attack each other, instead they aim for achieving the best time. Pemain tidak dapat menyerang satu sama lain, sebaliknya mereka bertujuan untuk mencapai waktu terbaik. There are jumping maps, with both stable and moving platforms, and running maps, with many walls and thin platforms to run on. Ada melompat peta, dengan kedua platform yang stabil dan bergerak, dan berjalan peta, dengan dinding banyak dan platform tipis untuk berjalan di. In some places on the map, checkpoints are placed, respawning someone there if they die, and telling them how faster/slower they are versus the leader. Di beberapa tempat di peta, pos pemeriksaan ditempatkan, respawning seseorang di sana jika mereka mati, dan memberitahu mereka bagaimana lebih cepat / lambat mereka versus pemimpin.
On March 24th Nexon released a new mode from the original Counter-Strike called VIP Mode. Pada tanggal 24 Nexon merilis sebuah modus baru dari Counter Strike-asli disebut Mode VIP. The Counter-Terrorists try to escort the VIP safely to a designated safety area or eliminate all Terrorist forces in the map. Counter-Teroris mencoba untuk mengawal VIP aman ke daerah yang aman ditunjuk atau menghilangkan semua kekuatan Teroris di peta. The Terrorists are to assassinate the VIP before he gets to the chopper or wait until time runs out. Teroris adalah untuk membunuh VIP sebelum ia sampai ke helikopter atau menunggu sampai waktu habis. The map “Oilrig” was the first of many new VIP maps to be released. Peta "Oilrig" adalah yang pertama dari banyak peta VIP baru yang akan dirilis. The VIP carries double armor and only a USP with 24 bullets. VIP membawa baju ganda dan hanya USP dengan 24 peluru.
On May 25th, Nexon released a new game mode called World Cup 2010 in conjunction with the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Pada 25 Mei, Nexon merilis sebuah modus permainan baru yang disebut Piala Dunia 2010 dalam kaitannya dengan Piala Dunia FIFA 2010. Includes 2 new soccer maps, 2 football types and new character skins. Termasuk 2 peta sepak bola baru, 2 jenis kulit sepak bola dan karakter baru. The main objective is basically to score points by kicking the ball into the oppositions goal. Tujuan utamanya adalah pada dasarnya untuk mencetak poin dengan menendang bola ke gawang oposisi. Players are allowed to purchase items and stab enemies during the gameplay. Pemain diizinkan untuk membeli item dan musuh menusuk selama gameplay.
In Counter-Strike Online, the game itself is free, but some weapons are bought using points purchased with real money. Dalam Online Counter-Strike, permainan itu sendiri adalah gratis, namun beberapa senjata yang dibeli menggunakan poin dibeli dengan uang sungguhan. These weapons usually expire after a certain amount of time but sometimes can be purchased permanantly during a promotion. Senjata-senjata ini biasanya berakhir setelah jangka waktu tertentu tetapi kadang-kadang dapat dibeli permanantly selama promosi. Certain weapons and items can be purchased with points that are gained by getting kills, completing objectives,etc. senjata tertentu dan barang-barang dapat dibeli dengan poin yang diperoleh dengan semakin membunuh, menyelesaikan tujuan, dll